Thursday, May 12, 2011

Literary Blog Hop - Literary? I Think Not!

Second blog hop of the day (I'm on a roll!) is from over at The Blue Bookcase.
For this week's Literary Blog Hop the question is:
What books have you read that have been hyped as literary and, in your opinion, were not?
So I don’t know why this book didn’t pop in my head immediately, but it should have because I’ve complained about it enough. Atonement by Ian McEwan! I read it about a year ago and I remember being very excited about it at the time. My mother recommended it to me because it was one of those books that everyone was talking about as “will definitely be a future classic” and she knew I was a re-born classic enthusiast. She said the language and descriptive text was beautiful. The story was breathtaking. And so on…so perfect fit right? Wrong. I was not a fan. Maybe I’m the only one but I thought it was simply trying too hard to be literary and “classic.” Maybe it was because at that time I was reading actual classics but it just rang completely false to me, I don’t know. But I found myself rolling my eyes throughout most of the book. Needless to say, I’m not picking up another McEwan anytime in the near future.


Unknown said...

I, too, hate the movie, though!

Anonymous said...

I do think McEwan has a beautiful way of writing, but I didn't like Atonement either. You're not alone!

I do agree the writer was trying too hard, probably. I like my literary reads to be written effortless.

As the Crowe Flies and Reads said...

interesting answer--I never finished Atonement myself, but I'm not sure I'd put it down (for me, personally) because it wasn't literary.

Anonymous said...

This does seem like a love it or hate it kind of book. I agree with you -- it was so hyped and I found it really underwhelming. An interesting story but it didn't have the impact I felt it was supposed to have.

Loni said...

I have also heard the hype surrounding Atonement, but I've never read it. From the sounds of it, I might be better off just watching the movie.

Audra said...

Hooray, finally some people who didn't love Atonement! It was a nice enough novel but hardly the lit classic everyone swears it is.